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Candy Portraits
Each piece has approximately 6,000 around between gummy bears candy, licorice of different types and flavors, gum, hard candies, mints, sweet tarts, candy, etc.. and the most recent world record for being the only one real size motorcycle Realized with candy and another for having more than 20,000 candy on it..
Sandra Bullock
7000 candies, size 36 by 48 in
Marilyn Monroe
5000 candies, size 30 by 40 in
Nicki Minaj
5000 candies, size 30 by 40 in
5000 candies, sizes 30 by 40 in
Justin Bieber
5000 candies, sizes 30 by 40 in
Justin Bieber v2
5000 candies, sizes 30 by 40 in
Elvis Presley
5000 candies, sizes 30 by 40 in
Michael Jackson V2
5000 candies, sizes 30 by 40 in
Michael Jackson
5000 candies, sizes 30 by 40 in
Lady Gaga
5000 candies, sizes 30 by 40 in
Sweet Ride
20,000 candies, real size
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